So aircraft, warships and tracked are the Russian response to the already famous World of Tanks . On War Thunder you will face several war machines in huge battles between 32 players on sea, land and sky in order to guarantee the territorial supremacy. This game is actually aviabile fo PC and Mac but, is currently developing a version for the PlayStation 4 and should be ready before the and of this year.
Each battle, wich average duration is around 25 minutes, sees on the field up to 32 armored vehicles in action, divided equally into two opposing teams, and each campaign includes a series of dynamic objectives, like thanks, warplains, warships, supplies or the opponent mother airplain.
A complete and very realistic war game, so rich in a wide range of models of airplanes and incredibly detailed cockpits, as well as tanks and naval fleets accurate in every detail. In addition, War Thunder features stunning graphics, authentic sound effects and wonderful music.

The flight simulation offer different modes of view:
- Cockpit: is the more realistic view from inside the cabin.
- 3rd person: see the plane from the outside.
- Bombsight: when you aim to trow bombs.
- Gunner: the view from the back turrets of the plane.
- Tracking the bomb: track the bomb or the torpedo to its target.

The damage system is very sophisticated, in War Thunder even a single well-placed shot can cause irreparable damage to your enemy. For example, you can point to the head of the opponents pilots inside their cabins, blow up gas tanks, destroy wings, fuselage and tail, damage mechanisms and critical components of the aircraft, bring structural damage to the plane to the point of compromising aerodynamics and cause a nasty fall.
Technically speaking you'll be faced with a flight simulator graphically amazing and undoubtedly pleasant, suitable for both veterans gamers and those who have not yet experienced the thrill of virtual aerial combact.