On Skyrama you will manage an entire airport, which, thanks to your administrative skills, will pass from being a small local airport, with one runway and one terminal, to a true international hub.
For expand it you need, of course, to earn Aircoin (the game currency), taking off and landing aircraft, and providing for their maintenance. By flying more people you can unlock new game options, build larger buildings, and buy new airplanes, which, themselves, will allow you to move people and goods in higher volumes.
As a leader, on Skyrama you will need to make smart decisions to please and attract customers. To do this you should first make sure that there are no delays in the sections, that are not lost luggage, and everything you can to please even a real passenger. Then, you will need to provide new services to attract new potential customers, such as, for example, investing in the construction of car parks, storage depots, stations will taxi, bus and transport services, creating Hotels and expanding the Hangar.
Being Skyrama a multiplayer game, will be a valuable aid the co-operation with other online users, exchanging aircraft, passengers, goods and services of various flight. Housing and arming aircraft of other nations, in fact, you will receive experience points, and often you'll find items dropped by tourists.
With the money of the ticket, through time, you can afford different kinds of aircraft, from airliners to cargo for freight, and so expand your business to become the largest, luxurious and coveted of the airports!
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